This is no ordinary gallery show. AloneTogether is a journey into the subconscious minds of children and teens during a time of global turmoil and transformation. It is an immersive, transcendent musical experience that excavates the essence of humanity, the needs, fears and feelings that connect us all, even – and even more so – when we cannot be together. From the moment you enter CIA at Copia, you will be immersed in a mixed media, interactive exhibit unlike any other, examining life in lockdown in New York City through the eyes of our children.
Through new works by 15 of the world’s leading composers, emerging songwriters and choreographers, you will witness spoken word, poetry, sculpture, video art, music, film, and live performance and hear hundreds of young artists aged 8-18 process their biggest, most powerful emotions. You will feel their sorrow, their pain, their fear, their joy, their loneliness, their love and their hope reflected in their work. You will see yourself in their stories, in the music and in their faces. And when you depart, you too, will be a different person.
CIA at Copia
500 1st Street
Napa, CA 94559
Monday through Thursday, 11am - 5pm
Friday through Sunday, 11am - 9pm