
Novack Concerts for Kids

Fostering a lifelong love of music 

Festival Napa Valley’s Novack Concerts for Kids series welcomes students, teachers, and families to admission-free performances and events year-round. For many young people, this is a vital formative step in developing a lifetime love for music, theater, and dance.

Novack Concerts for Kids include chartered bus transportation at no cost to participating public schools and nonprofit partner organizations as well as original interactive curricula to accompany select performances. Many of the concerts include a bilingual component in order to better serve native Spanish speaking students and families.

Through this series, Festival Napa Valley partners with key nonprofit organizations serving Napa County youth to bring live music into the lives of the most underserved kids in our community, reaching more than 4,000 young people and their families each year.

Virtual Programming & Distance Learning Resources

To expand the impact of our educational programs, Festival Napa Valley produces digital content for educational use in distance learning and convalescence settings. Building new relationships with nonprofit partners such as UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals and the New York Philharmonic, the Novack Concerts for Kids series reaches beyond the physical confines of the traditional concert hall to brighten the lives and minds of children unable to attend live concerts.

To Attend

To learn how to attend an upcoming Novack Concerts for Kids or access our virtual concerts, please email Festival Napa Valley’s Director of Education.

During the school year (September through May), Novack Concerts for Kids are accessible to school groups ONLY. Novack Concerts for Kids during the Festival's Summer Season are open to families with children and children in day camps. Adults may only attend if they are accompanied by a child or a group of children. For more information or group reservations, please email or call our box office.